Last weekend was my birthday parties and Wednesday was my birthday so I'm a toddling one year old.
My first birthday party was at our house. It was a bit overwhelming since I went down for a nap when it was just me, Mommy and Daddy and woke up to a house full of people, some I haven't seen in months. I got lots of cool toys and some really nice clothes. Mommy gave me a cupcake and some ice cream and I proved how grown up I am by not getting much on myself.
My second party was at Grandma Linn's house. I got to see my cousins and most of my aunts and uncles and I played until I crashed in Mommy's arms. The car was ready to explode it was so full of stuff when we came home.
Mommy stayed home with me on my birthday and we played all day. I really enjoyed that time with Mommy since she's working so much lately that I'm at daycare more than the other kids (96 hours in two weeks).
Friday Mommy took me to see my doctor and get my one year old check up. I'm 21lbs 13oz and 29.75 inches tall and for some reason the doctor doesn't think I'm growing like I should so we have to go back in 3 weeks to see her (and get my other flu shot). At that time she's going to run another lead test because even though it was normal it was still in the high range and that makes her nervous... I think she just wants to poke and prod at me some more. Oh and someone is finally taking Mommy's concern that I have reflux to heart, apparently Mommy does know something, that a one year old shouldn't be spitting up...
We got good news from Gwen today. Ratchet was on a plane to come home to Minnesota! Looks like I'll get to meet him after all!
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