This Halloween was much better than last Halloween (last Halloween I was sick and spent the evening in the ER with Mommy and she was told I have pyloric stenosis, which was wrong I have and elongated pyloric sphincter which is only half the requirement for the diagnosis). This year Mommy and Daddy dressed me up as a lion cub and took me trick or treating at both of my great-grand
Oh and a side note, my buddy David is really sick with this thing called a Wilm's tumor and they have been treating it with chemo and he's supposed to have surgery soon but Mommy said he wasn't feeling so good tonight and they were bringing him into the hospital again. If I could ask and you are the praying type could you please say a few prayers for him? He's only a few weeks older than me and this is awful, no baby should have to deal with this and my Mommy is saying prayers for his Mommy and Daddy too, but every good thought helps.