I have been so busy lately that Mommy hasn't had time to update so here we go.
I'm growing like a weed. Mommy and Daddy weighed me a couple weeks ago and I was over 26lbs and when they checked to see how tall I am I measured 34 inches, exactly half as tall as Daddy, meaning I'm going to be taller than Mommy!
My daycare has changed locations so now instead of being down by Nana's house I'm at the same school as Daddy. On my first day I pulled the fire alarm and sent all of Daddy's professors as well as the kids in my daycare outside, I just wanted to play outside for longer.
I finished my therapy with Jack and Sheila and we started speech therapy at home with David. David says I'm a lot of fun to work with and I like it when he comes over since he has a huge bag of toys for me to play with.
My birthday is in two weeks and then I'll be 2. Mommy says she can't believe it but I can, I'm getting to be so grown up!